After having a baby, everyone’s focus tends to be on the baby and their development, but what about the new mum? Around half of women suffer with incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse, spinal pain and tummy separation after delivery. Many of these symptoms are not talked about and women will suffer in silence. Every woman deserves a postnatal check and The Mummy MOT® is available around the world.

The Mummy MOT®

Established in London, The Mummy MOT® is a comprehensive postnatal assessment to check your recovery after pregnancy and childbirth. The Mummy MOT® is the popular choice if you are experiencing any symptoms of leaking urine, pelvic pain, if you have vaginal heaviness or bulging, if your c-section scar is painful or tight, if you have noticed a doming of your tummy muscles or if you have any aches or pains.  It is also the perfect postnatal check even if you have no symptoms. Maybe you want to start trying for another baby, are keen to start a new hobby or just want to return to exercise safely. The Mummy MOT® provides you with the advice you need and the exercises your body requires to move confidently into motherhood.

Postnatal Recovery Check for Every Mom

The Mummy MOT® is a comprehensive one-hour appointment, carried out by a specially trained practitioner, that you can have from 6 weeks after a vaginal or c-section delivery to check your recovery. However, it is never too late, you are postnatal forever! If you delivered 6 weeks ago, 6 months ago or 6 years ago, The Mummy MOT® is still the perfect postnatal check for you.

The Mummy MOT® includes:

  • Assessment of your posture, movement and function

  • Assessment of any aches or pains

  • Check for a tummy separation (diastasis recti)

  • Checks scar (c-section or perineal) healing and function

  • Full pelvic floor examination, assessing for signs of tightness, weakness or prolapse.  

  • Screening for bladder, bowel or sexual dysfunction

At your appointment, you will receive:

  • Advice and education on various activities from feeding your baby to safe return to exercise

  • An individualized pelvic floor programme that may include strengthening exercises, pelvic stretches or relaxation techniques

  • A bespoke Pilates programme including stretches, strengthening and mobilizing exercises depending on the findings from your assessment

  • Access to online, physio led post-natal Pilates classes

Sometimes the Mummy MOT® is all that you require, but if needed, follow up can include:

  • Women’s Health Physiotherapy for the management of incontinence, prolapse or pelvic pain

  • Clinical Pilates management of tummy separation, postural dysfunction and core weakness

  • Scar therapy to reduce scar pain, restriction and numbness and help improve the appearance of your scar

  • Physiotherapy management of joint, nerve or muscular pain

Laura Barrett

TMP Collaborator

Laura began her career in women’s health physiotherapy in 2004 after graduating with a first-class honours degree in physiotherapy from King’s College, London. Having initially gained valuable experience working in a large teaching hospital in London, Laura entered the private health sector in the UK in 2008 before moving to Dubai in 2010. 
From 2010 to 2017, Laura held multiple roles at polyclinics in Dubai, including Head of Women’s Health Physiotherapy & Clinical Pilates. Laura then returned to the UK, where she founded a successful Women’s Health Physiotherapy and Pilates business in Surrey and Oxfordshire before deciding to return to Dubai in 2021 with her husband and two young sons.
Having always practised within women’s health physiotherapy, Laura gained additional certification as a Mummy MOT® Practitioner and continues to ensure that pre-natal women are fit and healthy when entering this exciting phase of their lives and that post-natal women are supported in their recovery from pregnancy, through childbirth and into ‘mummy hood’, returning to work and exercise and having the confidence and ability to pursue previous or new hobbies.
Laura has also trained as a Restore Scar Therapy Practitioner offering scar therapy to all in Dubai including women following a c-section birth, mastectomies or gyneacological surgery.